Djordje Jokic10. January 2025.
Goranka Matić bila je mnogo više od fotografkinje danas fetišiziranog novog talasa i beogradske rok scene. Zapostavlja se njeno praćenje antiratnog pokreta 90-ih i radovi na temu antifašizma
Djordje Jokic25. December 2024.
Autor: advokat Vladimir Hrle, branilac Andreja Gnjota, Izvor: Bezbedninovinari Slučaj Andreja Gnjota ne prestaje da izaziva interesovanje kako domaće, tako i strane javnosti. On predstavlja primer fenomena tzv. transnacionalne represije, mehanizma koji autokratski režimi koriste da se obračunaju sa neistomišljenicima (npr. aktivistima za ljudskih prava, novinarima, disidentima, opozicionim aktivistima, akademicima), a koji se ne nalaze […]
Djordje Jokic2. December 2024.
U novoj epizodi Zadovoljstva u tekstu pod nazivom „Sabel“, Biljana Srbljanović i Vladimir Cerić su postavili rekord: snimili smo  najdužu epizodu u istoriji našeg podcasta, u trajanju od SAT I PEDESET I PET MINUTA, a na temu serije „Sablja“, kreatora Vladimira Tagića i Gorana Stankovića, koji su ujedno i reditelji i koscenaristi svih epizoda. Ova RTS-ova serija, inspirisana istinitim dogadjajima oko atentata na Zorana Djindjića, upravo je završila svoje emitovanje sa vrhunskim rezultatima u smislu gledanosti i popularnosti.
Djordje Jokic25. November 2024.
I sat on Thursday in the small courtroom of the Palace of Justice at the preliminary hearing of the civil lawsuit of Appellate Court judge Dušanka Djordjević and her husband, lawyer Aleksandar Djordjević, one of the heads of department in the State Security Agency in the 1990s (and a member of Mirjana Marković's security), in the State Security headed by Radomir Marković, legally convicted of organizing or participating in several murders. Judge Djordjević recently, as part of the Appellate Panel, took part in the acquittal of the accused, and those sentenced in the first instance to a total of 100 years in prison, in the case of the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija, which was the peak of the process of silencing independent media in the 1990s. Besides me, Tamara Filipović from NUNS and Sofija Bogosavljev from KRIK attended the hearing. I was also at the preliminary hearing on the criminal complaint filed by the same prosecutors against the editorial office for the same accusations, and then, there were many more colleagues, as well as observers from seven embassies.