Veran Matić – Ćamil

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Piše: Veran Matić
Ime Ćamil znači savršen, potpun, pristojan. Kod Slovena nešto časno, plemenito.
Da znam da relacije u četvorouglu Beograd – Srebrenica – Banja Luka – Sarajevo ne mogu da budu neuporedivo bolje, ne bih ni pisao ovaj tekst. Ovako probam, pokušavam, nadajući se da nekog zanima šta se događa u Srebrenici kada prođe 11. jul.
Tada se tamo obeležava genocid. U nekoliko dana je 8.732 ljudi nestalo sa lica zemlje. Niko ne spori ovu brojku, ali se sporimo kako to da nazovemo. Genocid ili Zločin. Kao da nam nije dosta razmere ove tragedije, međusobno se ubeđujemo ko je u pravu.
Srebrenica je dugo bila simbol vremena zločina i smrti. Nadu da je nastupilo vreme života nam je doneo Ćamil Duraković. Mnogima je predstavljao svojevrsno svetlo na kraju tunela kada je pre pet godina, kao načelnik Srebrenice, govorio sa Aleksandrom Vučićem na panelu „Pomirenje i podeljena društva“. Bio je to jedan od ključnih koraka koji su definisali poboljšanje odnosa na relaciji tadašnje vlasti u Srebrenici i Beograda.
Neposredno posle toga, u septembru 2015, u Srebrenici je održana Investiciono-razvojna konferencija o Srebrenici, na kojoj je tadašnji srpski premijer saopštio da će naša vlada donirati pet miliona evra pomoći za razvoj ove opštine. Dva miliona su po dogovoru uplaćena na račun opštine Srebrenica odmah nakon konferencije, a preostala tri su bila implementirana kroz projekte za koje Srebrenčani ocene da su im najpotrebniji. Ubrzo je održan sastanak u Beogradu na kojem je načelnik Srebrenice prezentovao četiri idejna infrastrukturna projekta.
Doneta je odluka da se u Srebrenici izgrade Dom zdravlja i obdanište, od čega bi korist imali i Srbi i Bošnjaci. Bio je to gest u slavu života i zdravlja. Nešto zbog čega se svakodnevno nazdravlja i u Beogradu, Srebrenici i Banja Luci. I ne samo tamo, već svuda u normalnom svetu.
Okretanje nove stranice koju su inicirali Vučić i Duraković očito nije bilo na agendi svih koji se u ovom četvorouglu politički pitaju. Naročito ne onoga koji se i danas svojski trudi da zagadi odnose između Sarajeva i Banja Luke. U takvim okolnostima, Beograd i Srebrenica ne mogu biti izolovano ostrvo. Danas prisustvujemo najvećoj političkoj krizi koja preti da unazadi sve ono što je u međuvremenu načinjeno u Srebrenici od strane Ćamila Durakovića.
Godinama se dosledno zalažući za reč „genocid”, koja opisuje ono što se desilo u Srebrenici, predsednik skupštine Duraković je nakon stupanja na snagu Zakona, podneo prvu krivičnu prijavu zbog negiranja genocida u Srebrenici protiv novinara Radio-televizije Republike Srpske Branimira Đuričića. Tada je istakao da svi građani po prvi put imaju mogućnost i zakonski osnov da prijavljuju one koji javno negiraju genocid i dodao da je dan ranije u Srebrenici boračka organizacija RS lepila plakate Ratka Mladića, koga nazivaju herojem.
Milorad Dodik je već najavio da će, nakon letnje pauze, prva tačka Dnevnog reda na prvoj sednici Skupštine opštine Srebrenica biti smena njenog predsednika Ćamila Durakovića „zbog progona novinara“, sa kojim je inače u opštinskoj koaliciji. Duraković je odgovorio da njegov izbor nije proizvod volje SNSD ili neke srpske stranke, već Bošnjaka i da Bošnjacima, po pravilu, pripada to mesto. Upozorio je da će dalji sukobi voditi nepotrebnom povećanju eskalacije.
Zabrinut sam dok pišem ove redove. Pokušavam da prekinem ovu negativnu spiralu i vratim dijalog u normalne, civilizovane i smislene tokove. Niti je lako niti jednostavno. Političke temperature su povišene, 11. jul tek što je prošao, a ne vidi se svetlo na kraju tunela. Zato apelujem da se vratimo tamo gde smo bili pre pet godina kada smo pokazali da je moguće raditi sve suprotno od onoga čime se sada preti.
Stičem utisak da zvanična Banja Luka greši u proceni kada je Ćamil Duraković u pitanju. Tamo će teško naći boljeg i razumnijeg partnera i sagovornika od njega. Nadam se da to razume onaj ko donosi odluke na regionalnom i međunarodnom planu. I zato Duraković treba da ostane na tom mestu. Da pokaže da je moguće vršiti zajedničku koalicionu vlast u Srebrenici i tamo graditi obdaništa i Dom zdravlja. U slavu živih i na njihovu svakodnevnu korist. Kao najbolji znak da su vreme zla i smrti daleko iza nas.
Moć pojedinaca zna da bude izuzetno velika kada dolazi iz srca. Onaj prostor u kojem možemo da radimo definisao je nekom prilikom i sam Ćamil: „Neka naše razlike budu ono što donosimo kao vrijednost u međuetničkom dijalogu, a naše sličnosti prilika za vraćanje povjerenja u izgradnju dobrih međuetničkih i komšijskih odnosa“.
PS. Ćamila sam upoznao pre par godina na jednoj od komemoracija u Srebrenici, bili smo gosti istog televizijiskog programa i popričali smo desetak minuta u pauzi. Tekst je zasnovan na uvidima u ono što je urađeno i ličnim uverenjima.
“Let our differences be what we bring as value in interethnic dialogue, and our similarities an opportunity to restore trust in building good interethnic and neighborly relations.”
Author: Veran Matić
The name Ćamila means perfect, complete, decent. For the Slavs, it means something honorable, noble.
If I knew that the relations in the quadrangle Belgrade – Srebrenica – Banja Luka – Sarajevo could not be significantly better, I would not even write this text. By doing so, I try, hoping that someone will be interested in what happens in Srebrenica when July 11th passes.
Then and there, the genocide is commemorated. In a few days, 8,732 people disappeared from the face of the earth. No one disputes this figure, but we are arguing how to define it. Genocide or Crime. As if the scale of this tragedy is not enough in itself, we convince each other who is right.
Srebrenica has long been a symbol of a time of crime and death. The hope that the time of life has come was brought to us by Ćamil Duraković. To many, he presented a kind of light at the end of the tunnel when, five years ago, as the mayor of Srebrenica, he spoke with Aleksandar Vučić at the panel discussion “Reconciliation and divided societies”. It was one of the key steps that defined the improvement of relations between the authorities at the time in Srebrenica and Belgrade.
Immediately after that, the Investment and Development Conference on Srebrenica was held in Srebrenica, when the Serbian Prime Minister at the time announced that our government would donate aid worth of five million euros for the development of this municipality. According to the agreement, two million were paid into the account of the municipality of Srebrenica immediately after the conference, and the remaining three were to be implemented through projects that the people of Srebrenica stated they needed the most. Soon after, a meeting was held in Belgrade, at which the mayor of Srebrenica presented four concepts for infrastructure projects.
A decision was made to build a Health center and a kindergarten in Srebrenica, which would benefit both Serbs and Bosniaks. It was a gesture in honor of life and health. Something that is cheered for every day in Belgrade, Srebrenica and Banja Luka. And not just there, but everywhere in the normal world.
Turning of a new page initiated by Vučić and Duraković was obviously not on the agenda of everyone of political influence in this quadrangle. Especially not the one who is still trying to pollute the relations between Sarajevo and Banja Luka. In such circumstances, Belgrade and Srebrenica cannot be an isolated island. Today, we are witnessing the deepest political crisis that threatens to set back everything that has been done in Srebrenica in the meantime by Ćamil Duraković.
For years, consistently advocating for the word “genocide”, which describes what happened in Srebrenica, President of Assembly Duraković filed the first criminal complaint after the law came into force for denying the Srebrenica genocide against Republika Srpska Radio and Television journalist Branimir Đuričić. He then pointed out that for the first time, all citizens have the opportunity and legal basis to report those who publicly deny genocide, and added that the RS organization, who call Ratko Mladic a hero, posted posters of him in Srebrenica the day before.
Milorad Dodik has already announced that, after the summer break, the first subject on the agenda at the first session of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly will be the removal of its president Ćamil Duraković “due to the persecution of journalists”, with whom he is in the municipal coalition. Duraković replied that his election was not a product of SNSD’s will or some Serbian party, but of Bosniaks, and that Bosniaks, according to the rule, had the right to that place. He warned that further conflicts would lead to an unnecessary increase in escalation.
I am worried as I write these lines. I am trying to break this negative spiral and re-direct the dialogue to normal, civilized and meaningful framework. It is neither easy nor simple. Political temperatures have risen, July 11th has just passed, and one cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is why I invite us to return to where we were five years ago, when we showed that it is possible to do everything that is different from what is now being threatened with.
I get the impression that official Banja Luka is wrong in its assessment when it comes to Ćamil Duraković. It will be difficult to find a better and more reasonable partner and interlocutor there than him. I hope that those who make decisions at the regional and international level will understand that. And that is why Duraković should stay in that position. To show that it is possible to exercise a joint coalition government in Srebrenica and build kindergartens and a Health center. To celebrate the living and to their daily benefit. As the best sign that the time of evil and death is far behind us.
The power of individuals can be extraordinary when it comes from the heart. On one occasion, Ćamil himself defined the framework in which we can work: “Let our differences be what we bring as value in interethnic dialogue, and our similarities opportunities to restore trust in building good interethnic and neighborly relations.”.
PS. I met Ćamila a couple of years ago at one of the commemorations in Srebrenica, we were guests of the same television program and we talked for about ten minutes during the break. The text is based on insights into what has been done and personal beliefs.