“Wait for me” Slobodan Negić

Tekst i muziku za numeru pod nazivom “Wait for me” napisao je Slobodan Negić , prvi put objavljen 12. septembra 2023. godine
Pesma koju je napisao i komponovao tata Slobodan za Sofijin rođendan
My child, my life, my only love
I hope you hear my aching heart
My broken wings are crumblin’
so sad we had to part
I hope you’re smiling somewhere out there
sending signs for your dady to see
but I’m blind here in this darkness
and in your arms I’d rather be
They all tell me that I must be strong
They just need to see me standin’ here alone
But as long as you’re gone I can never go on
I’ll just sit here and cry in a broken home
But as long as you’re gone I can never go on
I’ll just sit here and cry for you.
You just never had the time
to find your ways and shine
But as long as I live, I’ll have memories to give
I’ll always be proud you were mine
Somewhere in the future together we’ll be
Just give me strenght and wait for me
Somewhere in the future together we’ll be
Just give me strenght and wait for me
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