Djordje Jokic23. June 2024.
Vlasti u Minsku raspisale su međunarodnu poternicu za Andrejem Gnjotom zbog navodnih optužbi za poreski dug. Ovaj beloruski novinar, producent i aktivista tu zemlju napustio je posle političke represije i progona opozicije 2020. Poslovno se obreo u Srbiji prošle godine i završio u zatvoru. Od tada traje pravna borba koja se bliži kraju koji bi po njega mogao, kako on kaže, biti koban.
Djordje Jokic23. June 2024.
Veran Matić, executive director of the Association of Independent Electronic Media, visited Belarusian journalist and political activist Andrey Gnyot under house arrest, to whom the High Court in Belgrade delivered a verdict on his extradition to the authorities of Belarus. "Freedom for Andrey Gnyot" is an appeal to change this decision and protect this journalist from political persecution, torture and a long prison sentence if he is extradited to Belarus.